Friday Fictioneers

28 Jan

I plan to challenge my year 11 students to a ‘creative reflection a week’ for the next term in a bid to encourage them to develop their written expression.  It is only fair that if they have to write one short piece a week, I should have to write one too.  I stumbled upon Friday Fictioneers and decided to use the weekly writing prompt as my stimulus for creative expression.   Below is my contribution for this week.

Eating my feelings

I sit upon my balcony

My hands rest against the rail

My eyes travel outwards

And flit across the silver shale


Rocks are strewn across the cliff-face like a jigsaw border not complete

They attempt to constrain the grass, but the grass has got them beat


My emotions are the grass; green, feral and out of control

My heart is like the eroding rocks; hard, but tears have taken their toll


I sit upon my balcony

My body framed by the roof

A triangle with steep pitch

Fork in hand

Of my feelings,

The body will be the proof.


5 Responses to “Friday Fictioneers”

  1. rochellewisoff January 28, 2014 at 2:28 am #

    Dear Pun,

    My father used to say that a pun is the lowest form of pastry. On that note I’m happy to welcome you to Friday Fictioneers. :D. Your verse is captivating and fun.




  2. Nan Falkner January 28, 2014 at 5:45 am #

    Nice verse! Thanks, Nan


  3. Björn Rudberg (brudberg) January 29, 2014 at 2:14 am #

    Lovely verse.. The metaphors are strong and reflective.


  4. sustainabilitea January 29, 2014 at 6:49 am #

    Welcome to the Fictioneers. I’m glad I made it to your piece before tomorrow, when it all begins again. 🙂 Real life keeps getting in the way!! Nicely done.



  5. Subroto January 30, 2014 at 12:22 am #

    For better or verse welcome to the Fictioneers.


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