End of Year Trivia

10 Dec

As a fun end of year activity for my junior classes, I am going to divide my students into teams and ask them to complete in a trivia style tournament.  The subject matter will be a combination of content and skills covered over the course of the year and some general knowledge.

One round will involve the reading of a number of poetic quotations, with students identifying the literary techniques used within.

Another round will involve students correctly punctuating a paragraph from a familiar text.

A third round will involve students responding to a series of rapid fire questions that test their content knowledge of texts and poems studied during the year.

If anyone has any other ideas for what I should include, please let me know!

One Response to “End of Year Trivia”


  1. Trivia fun! | Once uPUN a time... - December 17, 2015

    […] My end of year trivia competitions were quite successful.  I decided to purchase a set of mini-whiteboards, allowing students to write out answers and lock them in by raising their whiteboards in the air. […]


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